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Why You Need a Full Team for Your Financial and Real Estate Needs

Most people don't have a full team working together for them. Instead, they pick different partners who don’t always work together. This means everyone is fighting over what I call "client share."

Why a Full Team is Important

You need a full real estate and financial team working together. This helps you have a complete financial plan with no risk and good balance. Let’s break it down:

- Accountants: They know taxes best.
- Mortgage Experts: They know about mortgages but might not know much about other areas.
- Realtors: They are experts in real estate but not in other financial areas.
- Financial Advisors: They like to be the go-to person, which is great. But the real person in the middle should be **you**, the client.

Your real estate, mortgage, tax, insurance, and financial professionals should all work together around you for a full plan.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Here are some questions to see if you...

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