Screwed financially and you don't even know it.....Read this Blog Post & find out


Why You Need a Full Team for Your Financial and Real Estate Needs

Most people don't have a full team working together for them. Instead, they pick different partners who don’t always work together. This means everyone is fighting over what I call "client share."

Why a Full Team is Important

You need a full real estate and financial team working together. This helps you have a complete financial plan with no risk and good balance. Let’s break it down:

- Accountants: They know taxes best.
- Mortgage Experts: They know about mortgages but might not know much about other areas.
- Realtors: They are experts in real estate but not in other financial areas.
- Financial Advisors: They like to be the go-to person, which is great. But the real person in the middle should be **you**, the client.

Your real estate, mortgage, tax, insurance, and financial professionals should all work together around you for a full plan.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Here are some questions to see if you have a good financial plan. Put them in order and think about your answers:

1. Do I have an advisor for all parts of my financial plan?
2. Do I have enough time to manage all my personal finances?
3. If I die or become disabled, can I support my family and maintain my lifestyle and assets?
4. If I were sued, are my assets safe?
5. Am I maximizing my tax savings?
6. Is someone managing my mortgage so I always get the best interest rate and mortgage structure?
7. Do I know the value of my real estate?
8. Do I have a clear investment plan for real estate?
9. Do I know the exact return I want on my investment real estate?
10. If I die while my children are underage, do I know who their guardian will be?
11. If I die, will my assets be distributed properly?
12. If I am incapacitated, do I know who will make decisions for me and my family?
13. If interest rates on my mortgage drop, do I have someone who will notify me before it's too late?
14. Can I retire comfortably?
15. Am I aware of nursing home costs?
16. If a key member of my business dies or becomes disabled, do I know what effect that would have on my business?
17. Can I sell my business right now?
18. Will my daughter or son be able to take over my business if I want to retire?
19. Are my financial goals in line with my life and family goals?
20. Do I have peace of mind where I can sleep at night?

What to Do Next

If you answered "I don't know" or "no" to any of these questions, you should talk to a Core 7 team to learn about your options. There’s no obligation.


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