
What is a team of Core7 Professionals? At its heart, a Core7 Team is comprised of a group of like-minded professionals who work synergistically to promote the best interests of their mutual clients. Your financial future is most secure when you are surrounded by financial professionals who are working together to protect you. 


My inspiration for this book starts with my childhood. The year was 1986. I was living in a beautiful home in Newton, Massachusetts, with my mom, my dad, and my sister. My mom and dad had a thriving business and a second home on Cape Cod. Then my dad was diagnosed with cancer. It was terminal. Six weeks later, he was gone. He did not have life insurance. Over the next five to seven years, I watched my mother work to put my sister and me through college, but her income was not enough to cover it all. Because we had no insurance, this unexpected event took all of our money. Guess what my mom and dad did for a living? They sold insurance. It was a classic case of the old saying, “the cobbler’s children have no shoes.”


Years later, I got into the mortgage business and started to see the opportunity to really make a difference in people’s lives. It made me wonder how I would feel if I were my parents' lender, and I had assumed that because they were in the insurance business, they were all set and had already taken care of their insurance protection? Did their mortgage originator think it wasn’t his responsibility to advise them on their insurance and their finances because he was facilitating the mortgage loan? 

I feel very strongly that it would have been my responsibility to advise them to speak with their insurance agent or financial advisor. It is my job as one of their Core7 Professionals.

I have had a blessed life in spite of my parents' hardship. I invite you to read my free e-book, What's Your Rate? How to Buy a House and Secure Your Financial Future at the Same Time. It contains important information to protect your family's future. By subscribing above, you will receive the free e-book along with information related to the Core7 Professionals.

Happy reading,

Mark Maiocca

Author, Founder, Father, and Husband



I Want My Core7 Team