How to use CHAT GPT to find business and be more valuable!

Are you looking for a way to find tons of free referrals for your business? Well, you're in luck! I recently came across a super helpful video by Charlie Barber that shows a clever way to use ChatGPT for prospecting. This method can be a game changer for anyone in sales. Let’s break it down into simple steps so you can start getting those referrals right away!

Step 1: Gather Business Information
First, you need to collect some business details. Here's how:

- For Different Businesses: Go to [YellowPages.com](https://www.yellowpages.com/). Choose your business type and location. For example, if you’re looking for plumbers in Dallas, Texas, type that in. You’ll see a list of plumbers.
- For Fitness Coaches or Realtors: You can use Google. Just type something like "fitness coaches @gmail.com" or go to [Realtor.com](https://www.realtor.com/), click on ‘Find Realtors’, and use the search filters.

Once you find the list, press `Ctrl+A` (or `Command+A` on Mac) to...

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**Jerry's Seinfeld's Take on the Mortgage Market**

**Jerry's Take on the Mortgage Market**

"Ever notice how buying a house feels a lot like Vegas, but with more paperwork and less neon? You're basically playing roulette with interest rates. 'Let's see, I'll put my life savings on red, I mean, on a 30-year fixed rate!' And just like in gambling, there's always that hope the market's going to shoot up and you'll hit the jackpot. But instead of chips, you're gambling with your biggest asset. Suddenly, 'let it ride' has you checking the economy like it's a blackjack dealer. The big difference? In Vegas, you might lose your shirt. In the mortgage game? You're playing for the roof over your head. Talk about high stakes!"

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Find out the REAL first steps to take when buying a home: With Chuck Silverston


First Steps When Buying a Home

When you decide to buy a home, the first step is to meet with a realtor for a buyer meeting. This meeting helps you discuss your goals and what you want in a home. It's important to clearly outline your needs and preferences so your realtor can help you find the best options.

Next, you need to get pre-approved by a lender. A real pre-approval shows sellers you are serious and financially ready to buy a home. It gives you a clear idea of how much you can afford, which helps you focus on homes within your budget.

At our company, we take an extra step to ensure your home purchase fits into your overall financial plan. We incorporate a financial advisor who will work with you and your realtor. This way, your new home aligns with your financial goals and future plans.

Ready to start your home-buying journey? Click the button below to get started!

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My Tragic Family Story: Why I wrote my book

# My Story: Why I'm Passionate About Preparation and Personal Finance

The year was 1986. I was living in a beautiful home in Newton, Massachusetts, with my mom, my dad, and my sister. My parents had a thriving business and a second home on Cape Cod. They were making plenty of money and were on top of the world.

Then my dad was diagnosed with cancer. It was terminal. Six weeks later, he was gone. He did not have life insurance.

Over the next five to seven years, I watched my mother work tirelessly to put my sister and me through college, but her income was not enough to cover it all. She eventually had to sell our home in Newton for less than full value, her share of the second home in Cape Cod, and then her business. Altogether she cleared over $1,000,000, but it all went to pay off the debt she had accumulated. Because we had no insurance, this unexpected event took all of our money.

Guess what my mom and dad did for a living? They sold insurance. They sold homeowner’s...

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Screwed financially and you don't even know it.....Read this Blog Post & find out


Why You Need a Full Team for Your Financial and Real Estate Needs

Most people don't have a full team working together for them. Instead, they pick different partners who don’t always work together. This means everyone is fighting over what I call "client share."

Why a Full Team is Important

You need a full real estate and financial team working together. This helps you have a complete financial plan with no risk and good balance. Let’s break it down:

- Accountants: They know taxes best.
- Mortgage Experts: They know about mortgages but might not know much about other areas.
- Realtors: They are experts in real estate but not in other financial areas.
- Financial Advisors: They like to be the go-to person, which is great. But the real person in the middle should be **you**, the client.

Your real estate, mortgage, tax, insurance, and financial professionals should all work together around you for a full plan.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Here are some questions to see if you...

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I Want My Core7 Team